Comments on: Nova Scotia Changes Their Landlord & Tenant Act Smart Property Management Software Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:36:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: JoAnne Murray Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:56:43 +0000 My mum owns an apartment block, she does not know the history of the building as she inherited from her husband who died suddenly last year; he had owned it for over 20 years when he died but did not keep much in the way or records.
The building has a supervisor who has been in position for 24 years. She is 82 years old and other than collecting the rent, she doesn’t actually do anything for her half rent benefit.
We’re not bothered about changing things though, we intend to sell the property soon and don’t want to upset things now because it might make it awkward when we come to sell. But in the mean time, in order to prepare to sell the property and ensure all the current tenants are protected during the transfer, I am going to issue the other 4 tenants a copy of the standard Nova Scotia lease to bring the paperwork up to date. As far as I am concerned, the supervisor should not get a lease as she is an employee so therefore she is not given tenure. Is this right?
Also, should be not be giving her a wage slip (T4). This has never been done, can we get into trouble for this?

By: Chris Saracino Tue, 07 Jan 2020 16:54:19 +0000 In reply to Craig.

Hi Craig,

This is a delicate situation. I’ll send you an email.

By: Craig Mon, 23 Dec 2019 04:02:25 +0000 Hello..Im new to being a home owner/landlord..Oct of 18 i rented to a single young lady..All has been fine untill reciently…She told me( didnt ask)that a friend would be staying for a while..When questioned she said he is like family,a week or two later she says its a new relationship..So now he has been here 23 days as of dec 22 2019..I mentioned to her via text that its costing me cause i pay for heat/hot water and electrical and he has to go..She offered to help out with more but doesnt see how it makes any difference…She has been warned twice via text that she has to tell him to go..23 days now in total and i told he he has to be gone by tues(tomorrow)My tenant wouldnt let him leave and he did give me push back as if its ok for him to stay..I mentioned that there is only one on the lease(monthly) and its not changeing but if they want to live together they can both find a bigger place..There has been minor drams with this fellas ex once and i think between him and my tenant a few times..I know i can have him removed and if push comes to shove do it on a perminate basis…What are my options re upping the rent on a new lease alot to deterr this fella from moveing in and my options for ending my lease with tenant…I honestly think it was her plan all along to try n pull the wool over my eyes cause they both have been very quiet about the situation..She is no longer employed,he is not either and no idea of any income..Her uic is good till march and no signs of either of them looking.Oh and after this 2 week relationshup she in an alter stated mind(booze/drugs) screamed that she is in love with him…My idea is either he goes and only visits or the both go…
By the way im outside hfx ns..

By: Chris Saracino Fri, 25 Oct 2019 02:28:50 +0000 In reply to Clyde.

Hi CLyde – thanks for your comment. How far into the lease are the tenants?

By: Clyde Sun, 22 Sep 2019 11:54:48 +0000 Because of illness my wife and I have to move back to our country home we have. The tenants have a fixed term one year lease. However, we have to move in before the lease is over what do we have to do. Thank you

By: Chris Saracino Sun, 05 Mar 2017 20:00:01 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Hi Steve. The landlord has the right to show the unit with appropriate notice. If you have an issue beyond that – contact the NS LTB.

By: Steve Sat, 25 Feb 2017 16:46:06 +0000 I am being harassed by my landlord, superintendent, and a large group of people in my current building; they are all family/close friends; in a small village I just moved to four months ago.

My landlord demands I let them in on Sunday; to show the place; as I gave my notice to leave; and ask him not tell anyone, for fear of further harassment; he told them; and the harassment has increased.

A couple months ago while I was away for Christmas, one of the tenants broke into my apartment and stole a knife from me.

Do I have the right to refuse them showing the place? He can easily wait the few days until I am gone; and I feel he is showing it while I am here to increase the harassment and my stress levels.

They know I am bipolar, and since they found that out; have been attacking me in a wide variety of ways; the landlord has ignored all my complaints about these actions.

By: Chris Saracino Wed, 21 Sep 2016 18:09:23 +0000 In reply to Holly Millett.

Hi Holly,

I can’t tell you what the likelihood is, as I’m sure I’m not getting all the facts and pertinent elements of the situation (i.e. how much rent is in arrears, if this is a pattern or a one off situation, is the landlord is not doing something correctly etc). They may or they may not, however, the fact remains that the rent is not being paid – so that won’t reflect well on you. Good luck.

By: Holly Millett Wed, 21 Sep 2016 00:33:05 +0000 I live in Nova Scotia an have been served with a 15 days eviction notice due to unpaid rent. I haven’t been getting my child tax benefits since July but will receive my back pay in October since by income tax has finally been processed. I can’t get my landlord to stop the eviction process and I doubt I’ll jave the rental arrears with the 15 days. Do you think the board would decide into favor of I file am application for a hearingood?

By: Chris Saracino Fri, 05 Aug 2016 20:33:37 +0000 In reply to Kaci.

Hi Kaci,

Of course she can. The pet policy should have been discussed before doing anything.
