Comments on: Why Tenant Screening Is Wickedly Important Smart Property Management Software Sat, 13 Apr 2019 19:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Saracino Sat, 13 Apr 2019 19:47:11 +0000 In reply to Shawn Hathaway.

I think that should be the safe assumption, Shawn.

By: Shawn Hathaway Mon, 31 Dec 2018 01:40:57 +0000 To much information can be a very big issue for a land lord. They can or could collect the wrong type or too much, this is illegal and very well be damaging to the landlord. Your article should read more that I landlord should acquire as much information as is legally allowed.

By: Kathy Fri, 17 Apr 2015 05:57:38 +0000 It seems that homelessness is becoming a huge problem in bc! Where are people with criminal records going to live if they are being discriminated a basic human need for shelter?? On the streets is where they are going to live!! Where are they going to work without a proper home to clean themselves and properly care for themselves to be respectable enough to work; ya they work no where!! How are they going to survive?? Through desperate measures robbing you home and mine, yes I have been robbed and it sucks!! Come on BC government get your act together and provide the housing and support services that convicted criminals who have served their time need or else expect the homeless people and their thefts of survival to continue. They can never get out of this vicous exsistence without the help of the government…a lot of these people have mental illnesses…a lot of these people suffered traumatic child abuse that causes permanent damage…where was the government for my best friend when he was severely abused in his childhood and has nothing but problems in his adult life…he can’t rent a place in bc so he is at least lucky enough to have a job while he is stuck to live in a motel room… I have been a landlord in the past so I understand their position…the BC government needs to step it up for these people in need to help irradicate homelessness and a life of hell living in abstract poverty otherwise people quit complaining about the sight of homeless people and their desperate measures that they need to take in order to survive!!! People of BC need to band together to pressure the government to help the mentally ill people who commit crimes to help them function better in their lives, we are as weak as the weakest one standing as a society, we are one village of humans affecting one another with our actions!! We have a housing crisis for the people with criminal records!!!

By: Rick Dee Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:07:02 +0000 AS a landlord that rents out a few rooms in a small house i agree with the Screening process. I have given far to many breaks to people in the past and have suffered for it one way or the other. As far as a criminal past it really doesn’t bother me nor do little things that seam to bother other landlords such as welfare or ODSP. When i was younger i got into trouble and the criminal past has always been a pain and it still bites me much later in life but i am now in the legal field and I’m all for helping out a person who will pay on time and respect my property and the others that live in it. I was not a repeat offender.

By: lisa Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:41:27 +0000 If you are going to be living with your tenant i can understand a criminal background check – just something to say cleared of any theft, murder etc..

Now if you are renting a basement, or appartment that there is not going to be a co-tenant then YOU shouldn’t even care….as long as they pay their rent on time, and keep the place clean and are quiet and nice to others then really its none of anyones business.

But we also have to remember when renting if there is a young female that is renting a room or shared accommations with the LL or female tenant having a man move in with a criminal past is a threat! Think about it….? if it were your daughter, niece, sister etc…no one would like that.

By: Chris Saracino Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:40:16 +0000 In reply to Adam.

Hi Adam,

Wow. That didn’t sound like much fun.

By: Adam Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:23:55 +0000 I had a tenant removed from my personal home this evening by police, and it was only after that I learned about his record (B&E, overstaying, etc, etc, etc.) From this moment forward, all of my tenants will be checked out.

Sorry if a few bad criminals ruin it for the rest of the respectable criminals.

By: Nancy Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:22:08 +0000 This is ridiculous. I am 23 years old female with a criminal record for a mistake i commit in the past when I was just 18. I am trying to better my self, I pay my rent and work full time but yet It seems that I might be leaving on the streets now . A criminal record shouldnt even matter , ! ppl need a place to live.

By: Chris Saracino Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:56:22 +0000 In reply to kyle.

Hi Kyle,

You’re absolutely right. Not everyone with a criminal record is a repeat offender – however – the gist of the post is that landlords should equip themselves with as much information about a prospective tenant as possible – and that can include a criminal background check.

By: kyle Sun, 14 Apr 2013 15:42:38 +0000 not every one with a criminal record is a repeated offender..I have a record and I need a place to live..I work full-time and I Had made a mistake that doesn’t mean I have to suffer the rest of my life because of it..all that should matter is that a tenant has a job , pays his rent and keeps care of the property.
