Comments on: Alberta Freeman On The Land Makes Life Difficult For Alberta Pensioner Landlord Smart Property Management Software Tue, 25 Feb 2020 06:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Say what? Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:10:41 +0000 regarding the builders lien, Caverhill can lapse it. This involves sending notice to the lienor advising him that he has 30 days to take court action on that lien. However, given these peoples views, he might actually do that and try to argue his case against her in court.
If he does not, she can get the lien removed from her title 37 days after she sends the notice.

It’s not the simplest of legal processes, however it can be done without a lawyer.

By: Chris Saracino Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:31:43 +0000 In reply to Thinkn.

Thanks for the comment. I’d agree that this would be an appropriate avenue to pursue. The only catch is she’ll have to spend money – potentially a lot of money. I’m going to post an update to the story tomorrow.

By: Thinkn Tue, 24 Sep 2013 00:40:59 +0000 She needs to sue him in civil court, she will likely get an order to that will allow a bailiff to seize the duplex back. It will cost her more money and time, as he will put in a crazy defence, waste court time, but there is no reason for her not to use the court system, like everyone else with a deadbeat tenant.

By: Chris Saracino Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:16:08 +0000 In reply to Laura.

Thanks for your comment Laura. The vigilante justice comments are kind of funny. Sure…let’s kick in the door and drag him out.

He’s not there illegally. They signed a lease, and had an agreement that he would renovate the property in exchange for 3 months of rent. Clearly they had different ideas of what constituted “sprucing up”. It’s a landlord and tenant issue – which qualifies as a civil matter.

In Alberta – like in any other province or state – you can’t change the locks on a unit without the landlord’s consent. You also can’t breech the obligations of a lease (I’m certain there was one) – in reference to his “offer” to pay $775 a month instead of the $1500 originally agreed upon. There’s a recourse here that needs to be followed. With that said, the guy clearly knows the legal system and is a pro at manipulating it. Rebekah is but one of many cases like this that happen every year – especially to pensioner and elderly landlords.

By: Laura Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:56:27 +0000 I don’t understand, how is this a civil thing? Is he not trespassing and causing property damage? As a mortgage broker I had to study legal issues surrounding ownership of property, including trespassing etc. I don’t get how she can’t have the cops haul him out of there, when he is there illegally. Infact, why cant she just have a buddy kick the door in, throw his ass out, and change the locks. She owns the house, she could bulldoze it if she wishes…To much talking on this, not enough action. This guy will never leave until he gets tossed out physically by the cops. and he knows it, so he’s not going anywhere.

By: Chris Saracino Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:37:18 +0000 In reply to josh.

I hear you Josh. This situation is ridiculous. The greater point I’m trying to make though is that there are laws in place for this kind of thing, and unfortunately it falls under the civil matter category. Even if someone is acting nuts like this, there’s a process because you can’t just throw someone out of their residence. This guy probably signed a lease, and essentially changed the parameters of that agreement after that. As such, it needs to be addressed through the landlord and tenant board in Alberta or in civil court. In the mean time, he gets to continue to live there. This isn’t unusual. Insane – but not unusual. Worst part – it happens every day. If she or anyone she knows does anything that could be deemed aggressive or confrontational – it could have implications in how this unfolds – especially with a guy like this – who no doubt knows how to work the law. If the goal is to get this situation concluded as quickly as possible – she or a legal representative needs to address this formally. I have no doubt she’ll ultimately prevail – as she owns the building.

There are many pensioner landlords in Canada. This is just another example of someone taking advantage of one of them.

By: josh Mon, 23 Sep 2013 16:23:40 +0000 Isn’t that the point? Politically correct “constructive” suggestions have gotten this lady nowhere..when did we become such an emasculated society, such that one deluded individual can hold us paralyzed with fear? We are Canadians! This mans (ONE MAN!) actions are unacceptable, but all of our institutions pay a feeble lip service..I’m not advocating violence (well, not the bodily harm type anyways)..I’m saying that we don’t have to stand for this..we live in a lawful society and this guy is breaking it, plain and simple, if we lived in an anarchistic society (which I wouldn’t), then that would be understandable, but the inaction in this situation by those supposedly “Maintaining The Right” is inexcusable..they say not to indulge in vigilante actions, yet offer zero motivation not to..get some guys, force him out, and change the locks, call the police and then charge him with break and enter if he comes back..

By: Chris Saracino Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:25:19 +0000 In reply to josh.

Hey Josh. Thanks for your comment – however – again…we need constructive suggestions here. Are there any paralegals or lawyers who specialize in landlord and tenant disputes who can help Ms. Caverhill out? We’re waiting for your comments….

By: josh Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:01:40 +0000 Hey Rebekah, what you need isa few friends to stage a coup on this guys “embassy”..I wish I still lived in calgary cuz I’d be there..lure him out and then reclaim the property for canada..he would HAVE to accept that by his own set of values..if he didn’t then his system would break down and expose him for a parasite..its also a total and utter shame that the police are not stepping into this situation..they’re too busy writing parking tickets and hiding out to catch someone doing 10 over, instead of dealing with a real life terrorist..because that’s what this nutbar truly is..he’s terrorizing you and everyone is cowering instead of standing up..a shame..get some friends and stage a guns, just some muscle..86 this guy!

By: Chris Saracino Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:58:42 +0000 In reply to David John Paul.

Thanks for the comment David. This is a maddening issue, but harassing/breaking windows/throwing smoke bombs isn’t going to do Ms. Caverhill any good and is a lousy suggestion. It will only make the situation worse. That’s also illegal…so can’t agree with that. I think you’re just expressing your frustration with the situation – which is fair – but we need constructive comments on this thread.
